
The Universe Is Expanding Faster Than We Thought

Recent findings from the Hubble Space Telescope suggest that the universe is expanding much faster than expected. Read the full article here. As a proponent of a resonant Cosmos, I suggest this confirms the emanating Field from the Home Office is becoming increasingly in tune.  So, regardless of what is being enacted on earth at this point in space-time, Harmony will prevail!  Cosmos accelerates successfully, and we are drawn by that wake. In the grand equation, a 9% return on investment is inspiring! – HGM

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It’s All About Vibrations

“Panpsychism” is an increasingly accepted position with respect to the nature of consciousness. “Based on the observed behavior of the entities that surround us, from electrons to atoms to molecules to bacteria to paramecia to mice, bats, rats, etc., all things may be viewed as at least a little conscious. This sounds strange at first blush, but “panpsychism”—the view that all matter has some associated consciousness—is an increasingly accepted position with respect to the nature of consciousness.” “Over the past decade, we have developed a “resonance theory of consciousness” that suggests that resonance—another word for synchronized vibrations—is at the heart of not only human consciousness but of physical reality more generally.” Read the full article here. To anyone who has been singing Higher Vibrations Music, none of this is a surprise.  To the quote “…resonance—another word for synchronized vibrations—is at the heart of…physical reality more generally.” I would counter that in fact physical reality is specifically and entirely a resonant Field.  All things, seen and unseen are part and parcel a vibrational proposition – and as this article states, that includes not only human consciousness, but electrons and atoms as well. I trust you will find this to be a fascinating read, filled with some oscillatory tidbits which will delight any vibrationalist – and apparently any panpsychist as well! – HGM

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